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Computer Science

News Highlights

From Mathematics to Art via Computer Science

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2013.05.21 Hits109


SUNY Korea, May 21, 2013

On Tuesday, George Hart gave a feast for both eyes and brains to an awed crowd of faculty and students. He presented and discussed examples of his amazing mathematically informed sculptures, which generally apply computer technology in their design and/or fabrication. These include works made of metal, wood, plastic, or found objects, and often use laser-cutting, plasma-cutting or 3D-printing technologies in their realization. he also showed a couple of short fabrication videos and discussed the mathematical and computer science aspects of these designs and their underlying foundations. Hart has a PhD from MIT and among many other academic appointments also was a professor at Stony Brook University, He then went on and co-founded MoMath (The Museum of Mathematics) in New York. he is now a freelance mathematical sculptor/designer. For examples of his work, see http://georgehart.com In addition, Hart is one of the organizers of the annual Bridges Conference and he will be announcing that it will be held in Seoul in August 2014. Bridges is the premiere international conference on connections between mathematics and art. Hundreds of artists, mathematicians, scientists, and educators from around the world gather each year to discuss and display mathematical art. Held in various cities and universities each year since 1998, the 2014 Bridges conference will be the first major mathematical art conference in Asia. For more information, see http://bridgesmathart.org