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Computer Science

Admissions for Computer Science

Admission image

We are excited that you are considering our Graduate Program. We offer admission to the M.S. and Ph.D. programs. The Ph.D. program is intended for students that wish to pursue a research-oriented career, while the M.S. program is intended for students seeking advanced positions in the software industry. Admission to the Ph.D. program is more competitive than the M.S. program.

The program follows the same curricular structure as in the main campus at Stony Brook and the degrees awarded are identical. It also offers opportunities to spend a part of the graduate studies on the Stony Brook campus in NY.

  • The requirements for admission to graduate study in computer science include.

    1. ABachelor Degree: A bachelor's degree, usually in a science or engineering discipline or in mathematics, is required. The transcript should show a grade average of at least B (i.e., 3.0/4.0) in
      • all undergraduate course work, and
      • in the science, mathematics, and engineering courses.
    2. BMinimal Background in Computer Science: Students should have and demonstrate a solid computer science background. College level course work in the main topic areas is suggested. Please refer to ACM Computer Science Curriculum for topic information.
    3. COfficial GRE Scores
      (If you have difficulties scheduling a GRE test appointment before the application deadline, please contact CS graduate office at cs@sunykorea.ac.kr)
    4. DSubmission of the TOEFL Test scores for all students whose native language is not English.
    5. EAcceptance by the Computer Science Department and Graduate School.

    Students of exceptional promise with non-standard background or who lack certain requirements may be considered for admission to the program on a provisional basis. The student will be informed of the requirements that must be satisfied for the termination of the provisional status.

    A printable version of the SBU Graduate Bulletin is available in PDF format.

  • The majority of students are admitted beginning in Fall semesters. We do admit a small number of PhD students and a reasonable number of MS students for the Spring semester. Applications must be submitted prior to the application deadline:

    • Fall Admissions : May 1
    • Spring Admissions : November 1

    Late applications may not receive full consideration, especially for financial support.

  • All applications for admissions must be submitted online.

    The application fee must be paid in order to submit your application. The application fee must be paid in order to submit your application.

    Each applicant should include the following items with their online application:

    • A statement of purpose, describing your interests and motivation to pursue a graduate degree.
    • A resume or CV, describing your work experience, course projects, and areas of expertise.
    • Three recommendation letters from academia or industry. At least two (2) letters must be submitted by the recommender through the online system. A single paper letter of reference will be accepted. Paper letters must be sent in sealed envelopes with recommenders signature across seal and include the paper recommendation form downloadable on ApplyNow. Note: Paper letters will slow down the review process of your application.

    Any additional documents included in your application will be disregarded.

  • Please arrange for two (2) official transcripts for each institution attended beyond secondary school to be mailed to the address below. Please specify if you are applying for the MS or PhD Program in the address. Transcripts are required to review your application. Please submit them as early as possible. Transcripts can be mailed prior to submittal of the ApplyNow application.

    Mailing Address

    Department of Computer Science
    A201, Academic Building, Graduate Admissions office, SUNY Korea, 119-2 Songdo Moonhwa-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea 21985


    The Computer Science Department does NOT accept uploaded copies of transcripts through ApplyNow.

  • Applicants must request ETS to forward scores directly to the Graduate School (School code: 7177). If you have difficulties scheduling a GRE test appointment before the application deadline, please contact CS graduate office at cs@sunykorea.ac.kr.

  • Applicants whose first or native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English prior to matriculation. To be considered for admission, an applicant must present an acceptable score on the TOEFL or IELTS test. Please note that Duolingo is not acceptable.

    You must request official reports to be sent electronically from the Educational Testing Service. Our Institution code is 7499 (TOEFL, TSE, TOEIC). IELTS scores should be sent to us in paper form at this time.

    For information concerning the time and place of the TOEFL test contact : http://www.toefl.org

  • Admitted Ph.D. students are typically offered financial support in the form of teaching or research assistantships, which include full tuition. M.S. students are typically admitted with no financial aid. Advanced MS students may find research assistantships for full or partial financial support. Many students also find such aid on campus; typically by serving as teaching assistants or taking programming jobs for different administrative and academic units. Information regarding tuition and other costs can be found from the SUNY Korea website.

  • Sometimes students who are admitted into our graduate program cannot attend due to a variety of reasons and request that their admission be deferred to the following semester. Due to a number of factors, many of which are beyond our control, we cannot accommodate such requests. Instead, the student needs to reapply for admission in a subsequent semester, indicating history of past admission.

  • Students may transfer up to 9 credits of graduate courses obtained from another university. The following conditions and procedure is required to transfer any credits.

    • In order to be counted towards graduation, the credits must be evaluated by one of our faculty members. The evaluation must establish equivalence between a course being transferred from another institution to a Computer Science course in Stony Brook, which is accepted as part of the graduation requirements (see the Graduate Program Handbook). The faculty member must be one of those who are teaching the corresponding graduate course on a regular basis. The professor typically evaluates the course materials/contents, student transcripts, etc. The approval is not automatic and we generally take a very careful look at such transfer requests.
    • Graduate courses that do not meet the previous requirement can be transferred without being counted towards graduation. This can sometimes be useful because students who have earned 24 graduate credits of any kind need to be registered for only 9 credits (instead of 12) in order to have full status. Therefore, gaining this status early might reduce tuition liability.
  • A student in the M.S. program can subsequently apply for admission into the Ph.D. program, but should keep in mind the higher standards for entry into the Ph.D. program. The Computer Science Graduate Program Handbook describes this process, as well as serving as the authoritative source on matters relating to the graduate program.