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Computer Science

University Requirements

The Computer Science major provides professional education in computer science to prepare the student for graduate study or for a career in the computing field. Students learn concepts and skills needed for designing, programming, and applying computer systems while also learning the theoretical and mathematical foundations of computer science. They have sufficient freedom in the program to pursue other academic interests in the liberal arts, sciences, and engineering to complement their study of computer science.

The B.S. degree in Computer Science requires successful completion of 120 credit hours of passing work with a grade point average of 2.0 or above. The University requires that at least 39 of the required credits must be earned in upper division classes (numbered 300 or above).

Stony Brook University requires the successful completion of a set of general education courses, referred to as The Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC). The SBC includes breadth and depth of study, and ensures that students will learn skills necessary for life-long learning. Although it is a University requirement, there are variations for CEAS and the Computer Science Department. The SBC requirements for the B.S. Degree in Computer Science are:

The Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC)

  • ARTS - Explore and Understand the Fine and Performing Arts

  • GLO - Engage Global Issues

  • HUM - Address Problems Using Critical Analysis and the Methods of the Humanities

  • QPS - Master Quantitative Problem Solving1

  • SBS - Understand, Observe, & Analyze Human Behavior & the Structure & Functioning of Society

  • SNW - Study the Natural World1

  • TECH - Understand Technology1

  • USA - Understand the Political, Economic, Social and Cultural History of the United States

  • WRT - Write Effectively in English

  • STAS - Examine Significant Relationships between Science or Technology and the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences1

  • EXP+ - Experiential Learning1

  • SBS+ - Social and Behavioral Sciences1

  • STEM+ - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics1

  • CER - Practice and Respect Critical and Ethical Reasoning1

  • DIV - Respect Diversity and Foster Inclusiveness*

  • ESI - Evaluate and Synthesize Researched Information1

  • SPK - Speak Effectively before an Audience1

  • WRTD - Write Effectively within One’s Discipline1

1 Indicates SBC categories which are satisfied by courses required for the CSE major

*The following student groups must satisfy the DIV learning objective as part of their degree requirements: Freshmen who matriculate in the Fall of 2019 or later; Transfer students who matriculate in the Spring of 2020 or later; Students who rematriculate in the Fall of 2019 or later