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Computer Science


Why should you join the Computer Science Department at SUNY Korea?

Deciding to attend SUNY Korea is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. You're not only choosing a top-tier university system, but joining an exceptional community that will help you build a global network and form the foundation of your international career.

The Computer Science Department at SUNY Korea is academically tightly integrated with the Computer Science Department in Stony Brook University which is one of the top computer science departments in the US. It offers the same world-class research and educational opportunities with many faculty members holding joint appointments. The program in SUNY Korea follows the same curricular structure as the one on the main campus at Stony Brook, is delivered in English with the same outstanding academic atmosphere, and the degrees awarded are identical. Tuition is also equivalent. Finally, the program also offers opportunities to spend a part of the undergraduate and graduate studies on the Stony Brook campus in NY.

You may also consider the high prospects of the computer science field in general. According to an article summarizing the Winter 2022 Salary Survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Computer sciences majors were projected to be the highest paid group of majors ($75,900) and have the second highest projected increase in the relevant year (5.2%). Another article about the Summer 2021 Salary Survey states that master’s and doctoral graduates in computer science and informatics science disciplines earned the highest average starting salary at their relevant degree level ($99,268 for MS and $130,072 for PhD).

We invite you to meet some recent graduates and listen as they look back on why they chose Computer Science and what Stony Brook University continues to mean to them.