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Computer Science


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FAQs 게시판입니다. title, wrt, inq_cnt로 구분하여 설명합니다.
Title Writer Views
Q. Can I receive financial support? Administrator 246
Q. Once I have gained my MS degree can I pursue practical industry training in the US? Administrator 215
Q. How much time does it take to obtain the MS degree? Administrator 188
Q. How about housing and dining - is it expensive? Administrator 239
Q. Do I need to speak Korean to attend SUNY Korea? Administrator 242
Q. Where can I find out more about the program? Administrator 162
Q. Where do I find recommendation forms to give to my recommenders? I can't find them on your website. Administrator 237
Q. Can the person who is recommending me send a paper recommendation? Administrator 186
Q. Is it okay to send photocopies of my transcript, and only submit the originals after I am accepted? Administrator 170
Q. What if I went to a college, but did not graduate? What if I just took classes there? Administrator 201
Q. What if I haven't received my degree yet, but will have earned it by the time I would like to start graduate school? Administrator 168
Q. My transcript only contains the marks that I received. This is adequate to show I earned a degree, right? Administrator 155
Q. Do I have to have my transcript translated if it is not in English? Administrator 166
Q. What constitutes an official, final transcript? Administrator 160
Q. How do I find out the status of my application? How do I find out if all my supporting documents have been received? Administrator 168