Prof. Byungkon Kang and Ph.D student Joonkyu Han: New Publications and Recognition
AuthorComputer ScienceREG_DATE2025.01.09Hits95
Prof. Kang’s latest publications include a paper in the proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM). This is a premier AI conference well-known for its papers on data mining, machine learning, and information management. It is recognized by many academic institutions, including NRF in Korea, as a class-A CS conference (CORE rank A).
The paper is about a machine learning algorithm that bypasses a shortcoming of AutoDiff, a core component in deep learning that enables us to train complex models. When training a model that uses linear algebraic routines, such as determinants, AutoDiff will give suboptimal performance. The paper proposes a reparameterization algorithm that yields the correct learning scheme as well as potentially saving more time by taking advantage of the parallelizability of the new formulation.
A second paper, with Ph.D student Joonkyu Han as the main contributor, was published in the proceedings of the 29 th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium On Dependable Computing (PRDC). This is a well-regarded conference that showcases a variety of novel papers on software reliability, safety, security, and dependability.
The paper deals with the use of visual and spatial information to authenticate a user during a login process. A fall-back authentication is an extra step of authentication taken when the user forgets his/her password. Typically-used secure question or email verification approaches have their shortcomings in terms of memorability and security. This work provides a way to authenticate a user by exploiting visual navigation through a virtual map; that is, a successful navigation through a map constitutes a successful login. Humans are particularly well-suited to remembering visual navigation, a fact that motivates and justifies our approach.
Prof. Kang was also recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer for the 35th British Machine Vision Conference (November 2024), a highly ranked conference on ahigh-ranking computer vision.