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CS Junior Faculty Win Prestigious Young Researcher Program Grants

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2016.01.20 Hits110

SUNY Korea, Jan 20, 2016

SUNY Korea scored two MEST Young Researcher Program Grants, for a hit rate of 100%. Please join in to congratulate Prof. Sael Lee and Prof. David Choi for having accomplished this amazing feat. This program grant is awarded to young researchers to help them become the future research leaders by supporting creative research ideas. The acceptance rate for this prestigious grant was 27%.

Prof. Sael Lee is supported for "Development of Multi-layer Network Analysis Methods for Integrative Analysis Algorithms of Bio-Clinical Data." She aims to study multi-layer network that will help in storing and inferring knowledge from various sources of high dimensional data by developing data structure and analysis methods for the multi-layer networks. Her research can be applied in various contexts, including bio-clinical data analysis for increasing knowledge of disease pathology. 

David Choi's grant "User-Centered Dynamic Microgrid using Data Science Techniques" targets distributed microgrids to provide even more efficient, reliable, secure, and user-friendly smart grid. He aims to build user-centered dynamic microgrids while coping with inherently dynamic in nature of the microgrids and promoting the constructive participation of users. His research will focus on practical applications using electric vehicles and big data.