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Computer Science

Teaching Assistant (TA)

Need help?

Meet our Teaching Assistants (TAs) for support!

General Guidelines

  • Location: Academic Building B 4th Floor CS Lounge or B418
  • Operating Hours: Please check TAs’ office hours.

Conduct Guidelines

  • You must adhere to all academic integrity policies. Do not request help with, nor receive assistance on, any examination, homework, take-home test, or other graded assignment for which you are not permitted to seek help from a tutor.
  • Treat students, and staff with courtesy and respect.
  • After the session, please clean your seat and table for the next person.

Fall 2024 CS TA Office Hours

Diploma Deadlines – Deadline Dates, Division, Contents Provide information
TA Name Office Hours & Location Contact Info Course
Yoobin Suh Monday & Wednesday, 12 - 1 PM yoobin.suh@stonybrook.edu CSE101
Seungjun Woo Monday, 6:30 - 8 PM seungjun.woo@stonybrook.edu
Seungyeop Hyun Tuesday, 1 -2 PM & 5 - 7 PM seungyeop.hyun@stonybrook.edu
Umama Bhure Wednesday, 7 - 8:30 PM
Thursday, 5 - 6 PM
Jiung Park Wednesday, 3:30 - 5 PM jiung.park@stonybrook.edu
Seoyeon Ahn Monday, 6:30 - 8 PM
Tuesday, 6 - 9 PM
seoyeon.ahn.1@stonybrook.edu CSE114
Jungu Kang Monday, 8PM - 12 AM
Tuesday, 9 - 12 PM
Mariem Maamar Wednesday, 10 pm - 12 am
Thursday, 9 pm - 12 am
Jinmyeong Lee Wednesday & Thursday, 7 -   9PM jinmyeong.lee@stonybrook.edu
Joon Kyu Han (Graduate TA) Friday, 11 AM - 2 PM
(Only when homework grades have been returend for the week)
Sanghoon Lee Monday, 4 - 6 PM
Wednesday, 5 - 7 PM
Thursday, 7 - 10 PM
sanghoon.lee.1@stonybrook.edu CSE214
Yoora Kim (Graduate TA) Wednesday, 3 - 6 PM yoora.kim@stonybrook.edu
Yoora Kim (Graduate TA) Tuesday, 3:30 - 5 PM
Wednesday, 1:30 - 3 PM
yoora.kim@stonybrook.edu CSE215
Jinsol Jung Tuesday, 2 - 5 PM
Wednesday, 3 - 5 PM
Farouk Sadqi Tuesday, 9 PM - 12 AM
Wednesaday, 10 PM - 12 AM
Youngwon Choi (Graduate TA) Tuesday, 1 - 3 PM youngwon.choi@stonybrook.edu CSE216
Minsu Pak Monday, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Wednesday, 10:30 AM -12:30 PM
Friday, 3 - 4 PM
chung-jee-sue.pak@stonybrook.edu CSE220
Hochan Jun Monday, 1:30 - 3 PM
Tuesday, 3:30 - 5 PM
Wednesday, 1 - 3 PM
Thursday, 3:30 - 5 PM
Friday, 10 AM - 12 PM
hochan.jun@stonybrook.edu CSE303
Seungwon An Monday & Tuesday, 8 - 10 PM
Wednesday, 8 - 11 PM
seungwon.an@stonybrook.edu CSE320