An introduction to the mathematical, physical, and computational principles underlying modern medical imaging systems. Covers fundamentals of X-ray computer tomography, ultrasonic imaging, nuclear imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as more general concepts required for these, such as linear systems theory and the Fourier transform. Popular techniques for the visualization, segmentation, and analysis of medical image data are discussed, as well as applications of medical imaging, such as image-guided intervention. The course is appropriate for computer science, biomedical engineering, and electrical engineering majors.
AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132 or 142; AMS 210 or MAT 211
Course Outcomes
An understanding of the mathematical, physical, and computational principles underlying modern medical imaging systems
An ability to apply techniques for the visualization, segmentation, and analysis of medical image data
An awareness of the applications of medical imaging
Fundamentals of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed. by Paul Suetens; Cambridge Univ Press, (ISBN #521519152)
Major Topics Covered in Course
Introduction and overview. Historical aspects and application scenarios
Linear systems and Fourier Theory and Image operations
Filters, Multi-scare image enhancement
X-ya physics, Detectors and image acquisition, scanner technology