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Computer Science


Software Engineering
Text code : CSE416 / Credit : 3
  • Prerequisites C or higher in CSE 316; U4 standing; CSE major
  • Textbook information Varies from semester to semester. For example: Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley.

Credits 3
Course Coordinator

Yoon Seok Yang


Introduces the basic concepts and modern tools and techniques of software engineering. Emphasizes the development of reliable and maintainable software via system requirements and specifications, software design methodologies including object-oriented design, implementation, integration, and testing; software project management; life-cycle documentation; software maintenance; and consideration of human factor issues.

Prerequisite C or higher in CSE 316; U4 standing; CSE major
Course Outcomes
  • An ability to perform project planning, requirements analysis, and system/test design.
  • An ability to work as a team to produce software systems that meet specifications while satisfying an implementation schedule.
  • An ability to produce professional quality oral/written presentations of system designs, reviews, and project demonstrations.

Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley.

Major Topics Covered in Course
  1. Approaches to software engineering
  2. The UML (Universal Modeling Language)
  3. Requirements Analysis and Use Case Modeling
  4. Object Modeling and/or Functional Modeling
  5. Dynamic Modeling using appropriate diagrammatic approaches
  6. Specification Documents
  7. Design Documents
  8. Testing -- Black Box, Glass Box, Test Plan Documents
  9. Project Planning
  10. Software Engineering tools
  11. Oral and Written Communication


Laboratory Projects  
Course Webpage