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Computer Science

News Highlights

Book published by Professor Amos Omondi

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2019.12.07 Hits422

Faculty member Dr. Amos Omondi has recently had a book published, on cryptography. Modern cryptosystems are used in numerous applications that require secrecy, security, or privacy: electronic mail, financial transactions, medical-record keeping, government affairs, social media, and so forth. Such systems are based on sophisticated mathematics and algorithms, but at the lowest level (i.e., chip level) of implementation a great deal boils down to computer arithmetic. The book, entitled Cryptography Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Architectures, is on such arithmetic.   It is published by Springer (a division of Springer-Nature, one of the world’s leading publishers of scientific and technical journals and books).  

Dr. Omondi is the author of several books, including three on computer arithmetic: Computer Arithmetic Systems (Prentice-Hall, 1994), Residue Number Systems (Imperial College Press, 2007), and Computer-Hardware Evaluation of Mathematical Functions (Imperial College Press, 2015).