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Computer Science

News Highlights

게시물 검색
Three Students Represent SUNY Korea in the 2023 Hack@CEWIT
Three Students Represent SUNY Korea in the 2023 Hack@CEWIT
  • AuthorComputer Science
  • Registration Date2023-05-01
  • Hits266
Interview with Janar Osmonaliev, a CS Graduate who went to Meta​
Interview with Janar Osmonaliev, a CS Graduate who went to Meta​
  • AuthorComputer Science
  • Registration Date2023-05-01
  • Hits159
A CS Graduate, Yu Jeong Shin, Becomes an LG Energy Solution Vision Systems Engineer​
A CS Graduate, Yu Jeong Shin, Becomes an LG Energy Solution Vision Systems Engineer​
  • AuthorComputer Science
  • Registration Date2023-05-01
  • Hits136
CS Department Welcomes New Faculty
CS Department Welcomes New Faculty
  • AuthorComputer Science
  • Registration Date2023-03-31
  • Hits185