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Computer Science


[Spring 2025] Rematriculation Application

Writer Computer Science Date Created 2024.07.25 Hits132

To return to school, please follow the instructions on the Notion Page and complete the Google Form. 

After you submit the form, please make an appointment with the coordinator. Additionally, the coordinator will send you a confirmation email and important information. 

Link to Notion Page: https://melodious-friday-013.notion.site/Rematriculation-c5219492e0f345feab655dd70fd00898?pvs=4

If you took a military leave, you must submit the Certificate of Military to follow the original requirement term.


*How to get the Certificate of Military Service document?

Important: The document MUST include your official discharge date. 

1) 병적증명서 (Certificate of Military Service)
    - Can request through the link here: https://www.mma.go.kr/contents.do?mc=usr0000146
    - Will take about 1-2 months after the official discharge (You may submit it to the department coordinator via email). 

2) Certificate of Career - Only available for KATUSA
     - 국방인사정보체계 -> 증명서 신청 -> 신규작성 -> 증명서 종류 -> Certificate of Career
     - The official expected discharge date will be printed on the document.