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Computer Science


[Fall 2023-Spring 2024] Faculty Advisor List for CS SBU Visit Students

Writer Computer Science Date Created 2023.11.06 Hits482

Every semester, you are assigned with a faculty advisor for consultation on your school works / academic concerns, etc. It is required that every CS student have an individual meeting with his/her faculty advisor at least once per semester. 

Your assigned faculty advisor for Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 can be found on the attached list. Please find your faculty advisor and contact them via email listed below for an advising appointment within the semester. 


Advisor Email Address
Zhoulai Fu zhoulai.fu@sunykorea.ac.kr
Byungkon Kang byungkon.kang@sunykorea.ac.kr
Antonino Mione antonino.mione@sunykorea.ac.kr
Amos Omondi amos.omondi@sunykorea.ac.kr
Francois Rameau francois.rameau@sunykorea.ac.kr
Jihoon Ryoo jihoon.ryoo@sunykorea.ac.kr
Yoon Seok Yang yoonseok.yang@sunykorea.ac.kr


If you can't find your SBUID# on the list, please make inquiries to us via cs@sunykorea.ac.kr.